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Hosna Darvishi - Photo Credit: Hesam Samavatian

Hosna Darvishi is an Iranian-born, Vienna-based artist who grew up in a multicultural environment where music and art were highly valued. She completed her bachelor's degree in painting and her master's degree in graphic design in Tehran. After moving to Vienna, she studied painting with Johanna Kandl at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and completed her second master's degree in 2017 with a project entitled *Among Seasons*.

Darvishi's artistic focus has always been on figure painting, drawing inspiration from people she closely observes and interacts with in various settings, whether in her studio or in the city. Her work reflects her deep interest in psychology and human relationships, often using live models - especially those she knows well. She sees a human subject as a reflection of her own inner journey, believing that each person embodies both kindness and anger. The figures in her art are relatable, drawing the viewer in with a sense of familiarity and emotional depth. Her work evokes the feeling that, on some level, everyone and everything exists in loneliness.

Throughout her career, Darvishi has experimented with a variety of artistic techniques and forms, from working with ink on cardboard to painting portraits. Her approach values spontaneity, embracing chance and simplicity, while her abstracted forms are rendered with minimal lines and colours, driven by her personal feelings and emotions. 

Darvishi, who lives and works in Vienna, has exhibited her work in solo shows in Tehran and Vienna since 2009 and has participated in several international group exhibitions.

2011-2017    M.A. in Painting, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2007-2010 M.A. in Graphics, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran
2001-2006 B.A. in Painting, Shahed University, Tehran

2009 “Methods of Teaching” from Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran

Solo Exhibitions:
2017 “From the Dark-End of Memories” at Sternstudio Gallery, Vienna
2017 “Among Seasons” at Justice, Vienna
2016 “Mirror” at Schauraum 21, Graz
2012 “At Once Close and Yet Far Away” at Afro-Asiatischen Institut, Vienna
2010 “In Search of Lost Spaces” at Day Art Gallery, Tehran

2022/3: Selected work in The Moth Magazine, Issue 51, Ireland
2020: Selected work in the book Das Antlitz, published by Schleichpfad, Vienna
2019: Selected works in the book Licht und Schatten, published by Punktgenau, Vienna
2017: Selected Cover Photo, “Inszenierte Projekte”, Book Presentation, at Secession, Vienna
2014: Selected work at “SELBSTPORTRÄT 2014” at KMG Gallery, Vienna
2013: Selected Nude Drawings published in the book Gemischter Satz Zwischen Gestern und Morgen, at University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2010: Admitted as a Permanent Member of Iranian Painters Association by Council of Referees, Tehran
2010: Awarded the Right of Judgment by Iranian Painters Association, Tehran
2006: Selected work at “Annual Drawing Festival” at Dr. Sondouzi Museum, Tehran
2005: Selected work at “First Annual Drawing Competition” in Karaj, Iran


Group Exhibitions:
2023 “Woman, Life, Freedom”, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2019 “Japan Art Festival”, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Tokyo
2019 “Japan Art Festival”, Schloss Schönbrunn – Orangerie, Vienna
2018 “Prozess”, Die Schöne, Vienna
2017 “Inszenierte Projekte”, Book Presentation, at Secession, Vienna
2016 “Apparent and Hidden”, at Prosa, Vienna
2016 “The Essence 16”, at Alte Post, Vienna
2015 “The Essence 15”, at Künstlerhaus, Vienna
2015 “Mirror", Performative Installation, at University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2014 “Self-Portrait”, at KMG Art Gallery, Vienna
2014 “Werkschau”, at University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2013 “So was von Retro”, at Ragnarhof, Vienna
2012 “Gemischter Satz Zwischen Gestern und Morgen”, St. Pölten
2010 “Sun”, at Khorshid Charity House, Tehran
2010 “Iranian Painters Association”, at Iranian Artists’ House, Tehran
2010 “From Past until Tomorrow”, at Day Art Gallery, Tehran
2009 “100 Artistic Works, 100 Artists”, at Golestan Gallery, Tehran
2005 “First Annual Drawing Exhibition”, Tehran

Other Achievements:
2023: Designed the vinyl cover for the debut album HUUUM by the group “HUUUM”, Vienna
2019: Designed the CD cover for the debut album ISOMER by the group “KURDOPHONE”, Vienna
2019: Designed the poster “WIENER LIEDER HERBST” at Verein Lied.Kunst.Lied, Baroque Hall of the Old City Hall, Vienna
2018: Designed the poster “WIENER LIEDER HERBST” at Verein Lied.Kunst.Lied, Baroque Hall of the Old City Hall, Vienna
2013: Designed the logo for “DER DIVAN”, language school, Vienna


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